Research and Innovation

We design and implement independent, original research, and develop learning materials and tools to support innovative solutions to systemic labor issues.

Leveraging our grassroots access and strong networks, we provide a unique, bottom-up, objective view of labor conditions at the commodity, product, sector, and country level, mapping patterns of human trafficking and forced labor, child labor, precarious work and discrimination and other egregious and systemic issues.

Our research and investigations uncover the root causes and drivers of worker vulnerability. We shed light on pressing issues and provide evidence-based analysis of labor conditions in various geographies and sectors, and in areas of work like logistics, virtual workplaces, materials recycling, and the gig economy. We look into impacts of macro conditions such as climate change on labor and the movement of peoples.

Our in-depth and robust human rights impact assessments (HRIAs) guide companies in understanding what their salient human rights risks are; where and how these arise in their operations and supply chains; who are most impacted and what actions can be taken to mitigate risks and address actual adverse impacts. In analyzing issues and formulating strategies and solutions, we leverage our on-the-ground presence and long-standing relationships with local organizations and businesses.

We have supported companies in developing human rights due diligence (HRDD) programs that are anchored on empirical evidence and actionable findings, and we continue to help them go “beyond due diligence” with innovative programs (e.g, Gender Inclusivity in Plantations, Next Steps in Worker Voice and Worker Wellbeing, and Implementing Worker-driven Compliance) designed to sustain effective practices and make lasting positive impacts on people.

Some of our work
